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  1. Wicket
  2. WICKET-3194

IResourceSettings.setUseTimestampOnResources(true) and performance



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.5-M3
    • 1.5-RC1
    • wicket
    • None
    • Windows 7, java 1.6


      I had a problem with slow loading of pages and response to ajax requests. After some debugging I traced the problem to be that wicket constantly tries:

      DEBUG - UrlResourceStream - cannot convert url: jar:file:/C:/Users/hok/.m2/repository/org/apache/wicket/wicket/1.5-M3/wicket-1.5-M3.jar!/org/apache/wicket/markup/html/wicket-event.js to file (URI is not hierarchical), falling back to the inputstream for polling
      DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator - Attempting to locate resource 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/wicket-event_en_US.js' on path [folders = [], webapppaths: []]
      DEBUG - ResourceStreamLocator - Attempting to locate resource 'org/apache/wicket/markup/html/wicket-event_en_US.js' using classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@cac268

      and this happens because that by default (or at least I think so) wicket adds timestamp on the resources - ResourceSettings.setUseTimestampOnResources(true) and every resource is read from the jar files on every request. When a resource is in a jar file a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical is thrown in the UrlResourceStream constructor and a lot of attempts are made to load the jar file through different loaders. In my case this led to a slow response times.
      After disabling timestamp on resources (ResourceSettings.setUseTimestampOnResources(false)) the problem disappears and the performance is fine. However in the javadoc of setUseTimestampOnResources:

      Enabling timestamps on resources will inject the last modification time of the resource into the filename (the name will look something like 'style-ts1282915831000.css' where the large number is the last modified date in milliseconds and '-ts' is a prefix to avoid conflicts with filenames that already contain a number before their extension. *

      Since browsers and proxies use the filename of the resource as a cache key the changed filename will not hit the cache and the page gets rendered with the changed file.

      In this case this useful functionality is lost. Is it possible to have "the best of both worlds"? Thanks.

      This issue is raised from the discussion:

      To observe the performance improvement, please change
      in TestApplication. It's most obvious when you press Refresh All link and observe the time for the refresh in both cases


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          Ivan Vasilev

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              pete Peter Ertl
              hok Ivan Vasilev
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