I am working on a special locator in selenium for Wicket generated pages. For example, one can like wicket:id in a xpath-like locator: //myform//username, which means locating the first element whose wicket:id is "myform" and then locating the first element whose wicket:id is "username".
The code is working. However, due to WICKET-1174, stripWicketTags in renderComponentTag() is now set to true as long as it is an ajax request. So, if an element is refreshed in an ajax request, it will lose the wicket:id and the locator won't find it.
To solve the problem, I'd suggest the splitting the concept of "strip wicket attributes" from "strip wicket tags". This way, you can still trip the wicket tags without affecting the wicket:id.
Issue Links
- is related to
WICKET-1830 Include Component Path in Generated Markup
- Resolved