Wicket is a great framework based on an excellent idea. It is a joy to work with. There are several existing components and most of them are very usable and customizable as much as possible, however there are still a few places for improvement. One of those is org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioChoice, where it is currently not possible to set HTML title and class attributes for the individual input tags. This would be a great feature for some client-side javascript frameworks, and in my case the JQuery star-rating plugin is even hard to use without these. For this purpose I have created my own private alternative for this component, but it would be good to have it included in wicket, so that others can benefit too.
See below the changes I have performed to enable this feature! Please note that all changes are made so that current behavior is not changed only new optional behavior is added.
Changes in method onComponentTagBody(...)
// Add radio tag
String title = getTitle(index, choice);
String cssClass = getCssClass(index, choice);
buffer.append("<input name=\"").append(getInputName()).append("\" type=\"radio\"");
if (title != null)
buffer.append(" title=\"").append(title).append("\"");
if (cssClass != null)
buffer.append(" class=\"").append(cssClass).append("\"");
buffer.append((isSelected(choice, index, selected) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""));
buffer.append((enabled ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""));
buffer.append(" value=\"").append(id).append("\" id=\"").append(idAttr)
Added two new methods:
- Returns the title attribute to be output for the input tag with the given index and choice
- value. By default this returns null, and so the title attribute won't be set, but this can be
- overridden.
- @param index
- @param choice
- @return title attribute to be used for the given input tag
protected String getTitle(int index, T choice) { return null; }
* Returns the CSS class attribute to be output for the input tag with the given index and
* choice value. By default this returns null, and so the class attribute won't be set, but this
* can be overridden.
* @param index
* @param choice
* @return CSS class attribute to be used for the given input tag
protected String getCssClass(int index, T choice) { return null; }