Uploaded image for project: 'Wave'
  1. Wave
  2. WAVE-166

move robot libraries to wave-protocol.googlecode.com



    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Let's move the robot client libraries from the existing
      wave-robot-java-client and wave-robot-python-client googlecode
      projects to the wave-protocol project.

      The java client code should fit in nicely into the wave-protocol
      default repository next to the server-only com.google.wave.api
      packages in the default repository. We will need a build rule to build
      the client jars.

      I think it's also ok to stick the python code into the src/ directory
      of the wave-protocol default repository (although it will look funny
      with python code alongside the java code). The python code shouldn't
      need any build rules. The python client library download is just a zip
      file of the python source files.

      We should probably have either build rules or scripts to zip up the
      relevant contents into the java and python download zip files.

      Once the source code is copied across, we can delete the source code
      in the wave-robot-java-client and wave-robot-python-client googlecode
      projects, but we can keep the downloads around, so people can continue
      to get their zipped jars/code from their old download locations.

      Anthony, I've made you a committer in the two client projects, in case you
      need to make any modifications as you move things out.

      Issue imported from http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol/issues/detail?id=165

      Owner: awatkins03
      Label: Type-Task
      Label: Priority-Medium
      Stars: 0
      State: closed
      Status: Fixed




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