Apache Velocity 2.0 changed the mechanism of sending invalid reference events. As of version 2.0, no events are generated in case of quiet references. As it is understandable to produce less irrelevant events for most use cases, there still exist some other use cases where these events must be received for quiet references. Besides, this was absolutely legitimate in versions 1.x and we now have projects that rely on that behavior but cannot be migrated to 2.x without further development effort.
If there is no other way to reproduce the old 1.x behavior, please add an initialization parameter that enables the sending of invalid reference events for quiet references as this would greatly improve backwards compatibility with 1.x versions, e.g.
# Send invalid reference events for quiet references (false by default) eventhandler.invalidreferences.include.quiet_references = true
There already exist other parameters only to ensure backwards compatibility.
Thank you very much.