Resource loader that works with Strings. Users should manualy add
resources to the repository that is know by the factory of this package.
Below is an example configuration for this loader.
Note that 'repositoryimpl' is not mandatory;
if not provided, the factory will fall back on using the default
implementation of this package.
stringres.resource.loader.description = Velocity StringResource loader
stringres.resource.loader.class =
stringres.resource.loader.repositoryimpl =
Resources can be added to the repository like this:
StringResourceRepositoryFactory vsRepository = null;
vsRepository = StringResourceRepositoryFactory.getRepository();
String myTemplateName = "/somewhere/intherepo/name";
String myTemplateBody = "Hi, ${username}... this is a some template!";
vsRepository.putStringResource(myTemplateName, myTemplateBody);
After this, the templates can be retrieved as usual