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  1. VCL
  2. VCL-566

Separate image type from OS in database




      The OS table could be normalized better. It currently contains
      information about OS's (XP, linux, etc) and also install/image types
      (VMware, xCAT partimage, etc). The OS table is growing exponentially
      as new OS's, provisioning engines, and image formats are added. For
      example, the OS table has a Windows XP entry for bare metal xCAT
      (winxp) and VMware (vmwarewinxp). Since support has been added for
      KVM and soon for Xen, 2 new entries would be added for XP alone.

      I propose adding an imagetype table to the database and changing the
      way images are mapped to their image type. The imagetype table will
      replace the installtype table but contain similar data. I think it
      adding new tables then removing the old ones will be an easier develop
      path as opposed to renaming tables, changing relationships, and coding
      all at once.

      The imagetype table will contain data such as:
      imagetype.id imagetype.name
      1 partimage
      2 lab
      3 kickstart
      4 vmdk
      5 qcow2

      Images are currently mapped to their install/image type via the OS
      table: image.OS --> OS.installtype --> installtype.name. The OS
      table will be taken out of this path by adding an image.imagetypeid
      column which points to the imagetype table and removing the
      OS.installtype column. This will result in images being mapped to
      their type via image.imagetypeid --> imagetype.name. This will allow
      the OS table to be greatly simplified. Only 1 entry will need to
      exist for each OS.

      A provisioningimagetype table would also be added replacing the
      provisioningOSintalltype table. This will map provisioning engines to
      image types since some provisioning engines can support multiple image


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              arkurth Andrew Kurth
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