Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Xianqing Yu contributed (via email to vcl-dev list) a modified version of allocComputer that randomly picks a computer from the array of available computers instead of picking the first on the in the list. Here is his function:
/// \fn allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start,
/// $nowfuture)
/// \param $blockids - array of computer ids
/// \param $currentids - array of computer ids
/// \param $computerids - array of computer ids
/// \param $start - start time in datetime format
/// \param $nowfuture - "now" or "future"
/// \return empty array if failed to allocate a computer; array with these keys
/// on success:\n
/// \b compid - id of computer\n
/// \b mgmtid - id of management node for computer\n
/// \b loaded - 0 or 1 - whether or not computer is loaded with desired image
/// \brief determines a computer to use from $blockids, $currentids,
/// and $computerids, looking at the arrays in that order and
/// tries to allocate a management node for it
function allocComputer($blockids, $currentids, $computerids, $start,
$nowfuture) {
$ret = array();
if (count($blockids) > 0)
{ $random_number = rand(0,count($blockids) - 1); while($blockids[$random_number] == null) $random_number = rand(0,count($blockids) - 1); $tp = $blockids[0]; $blockids[0] = $blockids[$random_number]; $blockids[$random_number] = $tp; # printArray($blockids); }foreach($blockids as $compid)
{ $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 1; return $ret; }if (count($currentids) > 0)
{ $random_number1 = rand(0,count($currentids) - 1); while($currentids[$random_number1] == null) $random_number1 = rand(0,count($currentids) - 1); $tp1 = $currentids[0]; $currentids[0] = $currentids[$random_number1]; $currentids[$random_number1] = $tp1; # printArray($currentids); }
foreach($currentids as $compid) { $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 1; return $ret; }
if (count($computerids) > 0)
{ $random_number2 = rand(0,count($computerids) - 1); while($computerids[$random_number2] == null) $random_number2 = rand(0,count($computerids) - 1); $tp2 = $computerids[0]; $computerids[0] = $computerids[$random_number2]; $computerids[$random_number2] = $tp2; # printArray($computerids); }foreach($computerids as $compid)
{ $mgmtnodeid = findManagementNode($compid, $start, $nowfuture); if($mgmtnodeid == 0) continue; $ret['compid'] = $compid; $ret['mgmtid'] = $mgmtnodeid; $ret['loaded'] = 0; return $ret; } return $ret;