Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Operating System: other
Platform: Other
Say we have the following formSet definition:
<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration
<validator name="required"
<form name="nameForm">
<field property="firstName" depends="required">
<arg key="nameForm.firstname.displayname"/>
<field property="lastName" depends="required">
<arg key="nameForm.lastname.displayname"/>
<formset language="en" country="US" variant="TEST1">
<form name="nameForm">
<field property="middleName" depends="required">
<arg key="nameForm.lastname.displayname"/>
You would expect that when validating with locale en_US_TEST1 middleName would
be mandatory, but it isn't because in ValidatorResources.processForms() while
adding the default fields to the current form, we are not adding the fields
from the form itself!
Now there is a decision to make and that is what is the preferred order for the
merged form (merged because we are adding the fields from the default formset).
I'd say to put first the default formset's fields, but I think it would be nice
to be able to specify its order (for javascript mainly).
IMO, this bug is very related to #16920 because it is a locale issue and it has
to do with the way forms are processed. I would propose to have a locale
hierarchy: If we are using the formset with locale "en_US_TEST1", this formset
should include the fields from "en_US", "en" and the default formSet (of course
iff they haven't been overriden).
I've made a patch which solves this issues. All the tests are passing fine and
the new one I created for checking this bug also.
If this is done properly, the "extends" attribute from Form gains added
functionality. Right now, form extension is only looking in the formSet it
belongs which includes its forms + defaultForms. We could have a extension
syntax definition for this making it possible to extend "en.US.formName" or
something like this (I am not sure if this would be useful though if we make a
proper use of the locale hierarchy I talked about). So the ideal scenario would
be to have a huge default form set, small language aware formsets, smaller
country aware formsets and so on. I beleive the philosophy of the validator
should go this way (I think it was in the first place).
Tell me what you all think and I'll submit a patch if necessary.
Nacho G. Mac Dowell