The current commons-validator-1.4.0.jar does not include any domains released after 2012.
Then on to the method isValidGenericTld(tld)
Which uses the list
private static final String[] GENERIC_TLDS = new String[] {
"aero", // air transport industry
"asia", // Pan-Asia/Asia Pacific
"biz", // businesses
"cat", // Catalan linguistic/cultural community
"com", // commercial enterprises
"coop", // cooperative associations
"info", // informational sites
"jobs", // Human Resource managers
"mobi", // mobile products and services
"museum", // museums, surprisingly enough
"name", // individuals' sites
"net", // internet support infrastructure/business
"org", // noncommercial organizations
"pro", // credentialed professionals and entities
"tel", // contact data for businesses and individuals
"travel", // entities in the travel industry
"gov", // United States Government
"edu", // accredited postsecondary US education entities
"mil", // United States Military
"int" // organizations established by international treaty
This list does not include any of the new domains. They are therefore seen as invalid.
See New Domains (about 300)
I can see that version 1.4.0 is the current version even though it was released on 2012-02-03
Issue Links
- duplicates
VALIDATOR-305 Some TLDs are missing from DomainValidator
- Closed
VALIDATOR-324 Validation on API docs example, nobody@noplace.somedog, returns false
- Closed
- is related to
VALIDATOR-341 Make TLD list configurable
- Closed