Review/add/remove eclipse specific files in example projects.
Reported by Richard:
Only in ruta-2.4.0-svn/example-projects/GermanNovels: .classpath
Only in ruta-2.4.0-svn/example-projects/GermanNovels: .project
Only in ruta-2.4.0-svn/example-projects/Misc: .project
Only in ruta-2.4.0-svn/example-projects/ruta-tutorial-GermanNovels: .projectIf the Eclipse build metadata (.project, .classpath) files are in SVN, then I suppose they should also be in the source ZIP.
These settings appear to be important for the proper functioning of the example projects - otherwise I would expect they also wouldn't be in SVN.When I try to "Import->Existing projects" on the example projects folder from the sources ZIP, I get:
- ExampleProject
- ExtensionsExample
- TextRulerExample
Using "Import->Existing Maven projects", I get
- GermanNovels
- ruta-ep-example-extensions
- ruta-maven-example
I never get
- Misc