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  1. UIMA
  2. UIMA-4689

DUCC service will not start if registered with --debug option



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.1.0-Ducc
    • DUCC
    • None


      The DuccServiceSubmit call is rejected because debug is given an empty argument. Generates a very large error message!

      Errors : Argument debug: no value allowed. Found;Usage:;org.apache.uima.ducc.cli.DuccServiceSubmit [options];Where options are:;-help (no arguments);Print this help message;;debug (no arguments);Enable CLI Debugging messages.;;description <string>;Description of the run.;Example: My excellent job!;;administrators <list of ids>;Blank-delimited list of userids allowed to manage this service.;Example: bob mary jimbo;;scheduling_class <scheduling class name>;The class to run the job in.;Example: normal (or fixed or reserve);;log_directory <path>;The directory where logs are written. Default: $HOME/ducc/logs;;working_directory <path>;The working directory set in each process. Default to current dire;ctory.;;;jvm <path-name-to-java>;The jvm to use. Must be a full path to the 'java' executable. De;fault is the jvm that DUCC is using.;;Example: /opt/vendor/jdk-1.7/bin/java;;process_jvm_args <jvm arguments>;Blank-delimited list of JVM Arguments passed to each process;Example: -Xmx100M -DMYVAR=foo;;classpath <java classpath>;Classpath for the Job. Default is current classpath.;;environment <env vars>;Blank-delimited list of environment variables.;Example: TERM=xterm DISPLAY=me.org.net:1.0 LANG UIMA*;;process_memory_size <size-in-GB>;Maximum memory for each process, in GB.;Example: 30;;process_descriptor_DD <dd.xml>;Process deployment descriptor (mutually exclusive with CM+AE+CC).;Example: /home/burn/descriptors/MyDD.xml;;process_executable <program name>;The full path to a program to be executed.;Example: /bin/ls;;process_executable_args <argument list>;Blank-delimited list of arguments for process_executable;Example: -a -t -l;;process_initialization_time_max <integer>;Maximum elapsed time (in minutes) for processing initialization.;;process_debug <debugger-port-number>;Listening port number the remote process is to connect to.;Example: 8000;;instance_failures_limit <integer>;Number of consecutive instance failures that will cause the servic;e to be stopped.;;;specification, -f <file>;Properties file comprising the specification, where the keys are n;ames of parameters. Individual parameters take precedence over tho;se specified in properties file, if any.;;;service_dependency <list>;List of service descriptor strings.;Example: UIMA-AS:RandomSleepAE:tcp://node1:61616 CUSTOM:myservice;;service_request_endpoint <string>;Unique id for this service. Usually inferred for UIMA-AS services.;;Example: UIMA-AS:queueName:ActiveMqUrl;;service_linger <milliseconds>;Time in milliseconds to wait after last referring job or service e;xits before stopping a non-autostarted service.;;;service_ping_arguments <string>;Any (service-dependent) ping arguments, to be passed to the pinger;.;;Example: q_thresh=12,svc_thresh=.01;;service_id <number>;The numeric id of the service being spawned;Example: 123;;service_ping_class <classname>;Class to ping ervice, must extend AServicePing.java;Example: org.bob.Pinger;;service_ping_classpath <classpath>;Classpath containing service_custom_ping class and dependencies.;Example: Bob.jar;;service_ping_jvm_args <java-system-property-assignments>;-D jvm system property assignments to pass to jvm;Example: -DxmX=3G -DxnS=1M;;service_ping_timeout <time-in-ms>;Time in milliseconds to wait for a ping to the service.;Example: 1000;;service_ping_dolog <boolean>;If specified, log the pinger, else suppress the log.;;instance_failures_window <integer>;Size of the window (in minutes) used to manage service instance ru;ntime failures.;;Example: 30;;instance_failures_limit <integer>;Number of consecutive instance failures that will cause the servic;e to be stopped.;;;-instance_init_failures_limit <integer>;Number of consecutive instance initialization failures that will c;ause SM to cease starting the service.;;;;




            burn Burn L. Lewis
            burn Burn L. Lewis
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