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  1. UIMA
  2. UIMA-2134

Tagger build dependency on Whitespace Tokenizer causes failure for mvn commands which don't build the jar



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.3.1Addons
    • 2.4.0Addons
    • Sandbox-Tagger
    • None


      Note: This probably should be fixed after the 2.3.1addons release.

      The Tagger has a dependency on the Whitespace Tokenizer addon component, at the same release level (currently).
      This means that if you check out the source, and then do a "mvn test", you get a failure, because

      • although Maven correctly orders things so that the build of the WhitespaceTokenizer happens first
      • because the Maven command is "mvn test", no jar file is built
      • and the Tagger tests fail because they are depending on the Jar being built.

      The workaround is to run mvn install once, so the right level of the WhitespaceTokenizer is in the local .m2 repo.

      The fix could be to change the dependency of the WhitespaceTokenizer to a previous (could be unchanging) release, e.g. the 2.3.0 level. Of course, that can't be done yet, because we haven't released the add-ons to Maven Central (yet) - the last release was to the special repo for incubating projects.

      My feeling is to leave this as an issue for the 2.3.1 release, and fix it for the next release by depending on the released 2.3.1 version of the WhitespaceTokenizer.




            schor Marshall Schor
            schor Marshall Schor
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