Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
If an AnalysisEngine descriptor declares multipleDeploymentAllowed=false, the intention is that there cannot be multiple instances of it in the same JVM. UIMA reports an error if you try to embed such an AE in an aggregate that declares multipleDeploymentAllowed=true. But this only makes sense for co-located components, not services.
Currently, the service wrapper returns the multipleDeploymentAllowed=false as part of the getMetaData() call. The aggregate AE checks this metadata for consistency, and at that point it isn't aware that it came from a service, so the exception is thrown.
Perhaps the service wrapper should be modified to set mutlipleDeploymentAllowed to true when responding to all getMetaData() calls? Alternatively it could be done on the client side, but to me it makes more sense for the service to do it - why expose this setting if clients have no use for it?