Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Windows XP
Visual C++6.0
Patch Available
The methods object-serializing/object-antiserializing related will get failed in multi-threaded envoriment.
They are as followed:
//used when antiserializing a SDO object from a character string
const char* XSDHelperImpl::define(const char* schema, bool loadImportNamespace= "")
//used when serializing a SDO object into a character string
char* XMLHelperImpl::save(
DataObjectPtr dataObject,
const char* rootElementURI,
const char* rootElementName,
int indent= -1)
// used when serializing a SDO object into a xml file
void XMLHelperImpl::save(
DataObjectPtr dataObject,
const char* rootElementURI,
const char* rootElementName,
const char* xmlFile,
int indent = -1)
//used when get a SOD object's shcema character string
char* XSDHelperImpl::generate(
const TypeList& types,
const char* targetNamespaceURI = "",
int indent = -1)
//used when get a SDO object's schema file
void XSDHelperImpl::generateFile(
const TypeList& types,
const char* fileName,
const char* targetNamespaceURI = "",
int indent = -1)
(The multi-thread lib used to test these methods is boost-1.33.1.)
All of them are successed in the first thread but get failed from the second thread.
The exceptions are catched by "catch(...)" not by "catch (SDORuntimeException e)".
Because only one method is successed in multi-threaded envoriment that serializs a SDO object from a file(it is defineFile from XSDHelperImpl), I made a comparision of it with the unsafe methods listed above. I find the reason of these mehtods getting failed in multi-threaeded envoriment is that they call some operations from libxml2 which are multi-thread unsafe. In the patch provided I changed the implemention of stream_twice method from SAX2Parser which is called by define method from XSDHelperImpl.The changement is mainly the replacment of unsafe method of libxml2 with a safe one. For the rest of the methods above, I do not find corresponding safe methods to replace the unsafe ones, so they still remain unresolved.