UnixNetVConnection does a vectored write which bunches blocks together until the outgoing buffer will fill up. This means we can better fill the packets, and should give us a bit of a performance boost to SSL writes.
Thomas Jackson
created issue -
Thomas Jackson
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Summary | SSLNetVConnection writes each block separately to the socket | SSLNetVConnection: switch to a vectored write |
Brian Geffon
made changes -
Assignee | Brian Geffon [ briang ] |
Leif Hedstrom
made changes -
Component/s | Network [ 12313122 ] | |
Component/s | SSL [ 12313766 ] |
Leif Hedstrom
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 6.0.0 [ 12324897 ] |
Leif Hedstrom
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 6.1.0 [ 12324898 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 6.0.0 [ 12324897 ] |
Leif Hedstrom
made changes -
Assignee | Brian Geffon [ briang ] | Susan Hinrichs [ shinrich ] |
Leif Hedstrom
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 7.0.0 [ 12325951 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 6.1.0 [ 12324898 ] |
Bryan Call
made changes -
Fix Version/s | sometime [ 12316277 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 7.0.0 [ 12325951 ] |
Bryan Call
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 7.1.0 [ 12337879 ] | |
Fix Version/s | sometime [ 12316277 ] |
UnixNetVConnection uses writev but OpenSSL only has SSL_write it doesn't have an SSL_writev.