I noticed the following on an ats 4.0.2 host in diags.log:
[Nov 20 15:08:29.627] Server {0x2b732fe9c700} NOTE: There are more field markers than fields; cannot process log entry
It only happens about every fifth time you start ATS. That message will fill diags.log and nothing is written to squid.log
I then upgraded to 4.1.1 as a test, and the same thing happened except there was additional error information:
[Nov 20 15:40:53.656] Server {0x2b568aac8700} NOTE: There are more field markers than fields; cannot process log entry [Nov 20 15:40:53.656] Server {0x2b568aac8700} ERROR: Failed to convert LogBuffer to ascii, have dropped (232) bytes.
The convert to ascii message tipped me off that this could be the source of the problem. Up until now we've been using the binary log format, so perhaps this is why I didn't run into this in the past. I then changed the log format back to binary, and I was unable to reproduce the issue - so it seems related to ascii logging.
Here is our logs_xml.config:
<LogFormat> <Name = "ats_generic_config"/> <Format = "%<cqtq> %<ttms> %<chi> %<crc> %<pssc> %<psql> %<cqhm> %<cquc> %<caun> %<phr>/%<pqsn> %<psct> %<cquuc> f1 f2 f3 f4"/> </LogFormat> <LogObject> <Format = "ats_generic_config"/> <Filename = "squid"/> <Mode = "ascii"/> </LogObject>