I upgraded some 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 hosts from OpenSSL 1.0.0 to 1.0.1e which is supposed to be ABI compatible. I see this crash about 10 times in a given 24 hour period.
I'm interested in OpenSSL 1.0.1e as there is a CPU usage improvement in my tests, and for TLS 1.2 support.
I came across this squid bug with a very similar backtrace. The OpenSSL RT ticket says
"I have discussed this situation with some Squid developers and we decided - after SSL error 1408F10B calling standard/raw read() instead of SSL_read() for empty socket buffer and this patch stopped crash Squid."
#0 0x0000003f842e7154 in EVP_DigestFinal_ex () from /usr/lib64/ #1 0x0000003f84636263 in tls1_final_finish_mac () from /usr/lib64/ #2 0x0000003f8462ad62 in ssl3_do_change_cipher_spec () from /usr/lib64/ #3 0x0000003f8462c7f7 in ssl3_read_bytes () from /usr/lib64/ #4 0x0000003f8462d5e2 in ssl3_get_message () from /usr/lib64/ #5 0x0000003f8461da1c in ssl3_get_cert_verify () from /usr/lib64/ #6 0x0000003f84621e78 in ssl3_accept () from /usr/lib64/ #7 0x00000000006711aa in SSLNetVConnection::sslServerHandShakeEvent (this=0x2aadd0024300, err=@0x2aacab940c5c) at #8 0x0000000000672b77 in SSLNetVConnection::sslStartHandShake (this=0x2aadd0024300, event=<value optimized out>, err=@0x2aacab940c5c) at #9 0x0000000000671dd2 in SSLNetVConnection::net_read_io (this=0x2aadd0024300, nh= 0x2aacaa02cbf0, lthread=0x2aacaa029010) at #10 0x000000000067b8c2 in NetHandler::mainNetEvent (this=0x2aacaa02cbf0, event=<value optimized out>, e=<value optimized out>) at #11 0x00000000006a335f in handleEvent (this=0x2aacaa029010, e=0x1230a30, calling_code=5) at I_Continuation.h:146 #12 EThread::process_event (this=0x2aacaa029010, e=0x1230a30, calling_code=5) at #13 0x00000000006a3d43 in EThread::execute (this=0x2aacaa029010) at #14 0x00000000006a21fa in spawn_thread_internal (a=0x143ec30) at #15 0x00002aaca05b9851 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #16 0x000000324f0e890d in clone () from /lib64/
NOTE: Traffic Server received Sig 11: Segmentation fault /home/y/bin/traffic_server - STACK TRACE: /lib64/[0x2b523d64e500] /usr/lib64/[0x3f842e7154] /usr/lib64/[0x3f84636263] /usr/lib64/[0x3f8462ad62] /usr/lib64/[0x3f8462c7f7] /usr/lib64/[0x3f8462d5e2] /usr/lib64/[0x3f8461da1c] /usr/lib64/[0x3f84621e78] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(SSLNetVConnection::sslServerHandShakeEvent(int&)+0x2a)[0x6711aa] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(SSLNetVConnection::sslStartHandShake(int, int&)+0x37)[0x672b77] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(SSLNetVConnection::net_read_io(NetHandler*, EThread*)+0x1f2)[0x671dd2] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(NetHandler::mainNetEvent(int, Event*)+0x1f2)[0x67b8c2] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(EThread::process_event(Event*, int)+0x8f)[0x6a335f] /home/y/bin/traffic_server(EThread::execute()+0x4a3)[0x6a3d43] /home/y/bin/traffic_server[0x6a21fa] /lib64/[0x2b523d646851] /lib64/[0x324f0e890d]
Issue Links
- relates to
TS-2593 HTTPS to origin fails on CentOS6.x
- Closed