New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
related to Add agent version support in skinning
We currently have @agent support, @agent ie and (version:5)
We need to add version ranges - the min-version and max-version.
See thread from April, 2008:
– from thread –
max- means less-than-or-equal-to:max-version:8 means
version <= 8.0 == true
option 5) the version feature is a String that matches the native "major.minor.whatever" format of the browser's engine. If the browser's engine uses non "." for separating versions, "." is used instead.
For matches, the "*" character is allowed in any version section.
For comparisons, the "*" is always a valid match regardless of <, >, or = comparison
For comparisons where the comparison side contains fewer version sections than the actual browser version, the comparison side is padded with * version sections and the comparison occurs as above.
For comparisons where the comparison side contains more version sections than the actual browser version, the browser version is padded with 0 version sections and the comparison occurs as above.
// user wants to match IE 5, actual browser version ie 5.5
@agent ie and (version:5)
matches because version:5 expands to version 5.* and 5.* matches 5.5
@agent ie and (min-version:5)
matches because version:5 expands to version 5.* and 5.* < 5.5 = true
@agent ie and (max-version:5)
matches because version:5 expands to version 5.* and 5.* > 5.5 = true
// actual browser version gecko 1.9
@agent gecko and (min-version:1.9.2)
does not match because the browser version 1.9 expands to 1.9.0 and 1.9.2 is > than 1.9.0
// actual browser version gecko 1.9
@agent gecko and (min-version:1.9.*)
matches because the browser version 1.9 expands to 1.9.0 and 1.9.* == 1.9.0
I have implemented and attached a Version class with the desired behavior and tested that the following works as expected
System.out.println("toString:" + new Version("5.0.3", "*"));
System.out.println("hashCode:" + new Version("5.0.3", "*").hashCode());
System.out.println("not equals:" + new Version("5.0.3", "").equals(new Version("5", "")));
System.out.println("compareTo == 0:" + new Version("5.0.3", "").compareTo(new Version("5", "")));
System.out.println("compareTo == +:" + new Version("5.0.3", "*").compareTo(new Version("5", "0")));
System.out.println("compareTo == -:" + new Version("5.0.3", "").compareTo(new Version("5.0.4", "")));
Given the way that compareTo works, I changed the wildcard behavior from what is listed before to make the wildcard behavior only affect compareTo() results of 0. However, this still has the desired effect because min- and max- comparisons are <= and >= respectively. Anway, I believe looking at the code in compareTo() will give everyone a better idea of what I intend.