New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
This information was discussed in email thread [TRINIDAD] [API] and getSelectorStyleMap()
We need a public API to get the CSS style properties (e.g., color: red) on the server in our renderers. We work around the lack of apis by using skinning custom style properties instead (e.g., -tr-color: red) because skinning style properties are stored on the server as an attribute of a Skin Object. This is definitely a kludgy workaround and makes it harder for a user to skin.
We will also need the APIs for an emailable page mode we are implementing soon so that we can limit the css that we write in the page to only the css needed by the components on the page. Email cannot handle external css files.
In summary, the APIS we need will do this:
1) For a given selector, return its style definition
2) For a given simple (no compound selectors) selector like "af|inputText", return all of the style definitions that it is used in like "af|foo af|inputText", "af|inputText::content", etc.
API Proposal
We will assume the style map we get from the RenderingContext will contain only the styles for the StyleContext, that is, the styles have already been 'resolved'. Therefore there will be no need to pass in the StyleContext parameter when we get styles from the style map.
Public APIs
This class exists, but will need to be made public and only the public parts of it moved to the public api, and the rest stay with the private implementation.
public Map<String, String> getProperties();
public String toInlineString();
A new class that wraps 2 methods. This class is similar to the current StyleMap private class which isn't a Map at all. I plan to delete StyleMap and use Styles instead.
Map<Selector, Style> getSelectorStyleMap()
List<String> getSelectorsForSimpleSelector(String selector) uses resolved styles from StyleProvider.
String getNativeSelectorString(Selector selector) converts the selector into a string that is valid for the browser.
A new class that encapsulates the selector string into a selector object to make the getSelectorStyleMap API clearer and to have a place to add features to the Selector if it is needed.
static createSelector
private constructor
already exists
public Styles getStyles();
Private APIs
already exists
Implements the new method on RenderingContext
This class already exists and is private.
public Styles getStyles();
already exists
getStyles() calls getStyleProvider().getStyles(this);
already exists
public Styles getStyles(StyleContext context); // resolves the styles first
FileSystemStyleCache extends StyleProvider
already exists
public Styles getStyles(StyleContext)
static inner class StylesImpl which takes a resolved styles in its constructor.
this is where the work is done to create the selectorStyleMap.
remove. It's not a map for one thing and it is such old code and it isn't being used at all so it is cluttering the api.
API Usage:
Styles styles = renderingContext.getStyles(); // renderingContext contains a styleContext
Map<Selector, Style> selectorStyleMap = styles.getSelectorStyleMap();
Style style = selectorStyleMap.get(Selector.createSelector("af|graph"));
String color = style.getProperties("color");