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  1. Apache Trafodion (Retired)
  2. TRAFODION-994

LP Bug: 1420523 - ODBC: Several values returned by SQLColumns are incorrect



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 2.4
    • connectivity-general
    • None


      Below are the failures in SQLColumn API testing:

      1. In the resultset returned by SQLColumn API, value of column ColNullable is 2 rather than 1, column REMARK is empty.

      Test create table =>create table GTN2BSG5FQ (KXE2QSC7HC char(10) CHARACTER SET ISO88591) no partition
      SQLColumns: compare results of columns fetched for following column
      The Column Name is KXE2QSC7HC and column type is char
      ***ERROR: ColNullable expect: 1 and actual: 2 are not matched
      ***ERROR: Remark expect: CHARACTER CHARACTER SET ISO88591 and actual: are not matched
      Number of rows fetched: 1

      2. Somehow if the table has more than 3 columns, the 3rd column seems got lost as nothing regarding the 3rd column is returned in the resultset. For test case below, 3rd column E5IPGXAHNB has no info in the resultset.

      19:18:38 Test create table =>create table GTN2BSG5FQ (KXE2QSC7HC char(10) CHARACTER SET ISO88591,RMSYLIFAR4 varchar(10) CHARACTER SET ISO88591,E5IPGXAHNB long varchar CHARACTER SET ISO88591,ZQW9LNYDG3 decimal(10,5)) no partition
      19:18:40 SQLColumns: Test #3
      SQLColumns: SQLColumns function call executed correctly.

      SQLColumns: compare results of columns fetched for following column
      The Column Name is KXE2QSC7HC and column type is char
      ***ERROR: ColNullable expect: 1 and actual: 2 are not matched
      ***ERROR: Remark expect: CHARACTER CHARACTER SET ISO88591 and actual: are not matched

      SQLColumns: compare results of columns fetched for following column
      The Column Name is RMSYLIFAR4 and column type is varchar
      ***ERROR: ColNullable expect: 1 and actual: 2 are not matched
      ***ERROR: Remark expect: VARCHAR CHARACTER SET ISO88591 and actual: are not matched

      SQLColumns: compare results of columns fetched for following column
      The Column Name is E5IPGXAHNB and column type is long varchar
      ***ERROR: ColName expect: E5IPGXAHNB and actual: ZQW9LNYDG3 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColDataType expect: 12 and actual: 3 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColTypeName expect: VARCHAR and actual: DECIMAL are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColPrec expect: 2000 and actual: 10 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColLen expect: 2000 and actual: 12 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColScale expect: 0 and actual: 5 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColRadix expect: 0 and actual: 10 are not matched
      ***ERROR: ColNullable expect: 1 and actual: 2 are not matched
      ***ERROR: Remark expect: VARCHAR CHARACTER SET ISO88591 and actual: are not matched
      Number of rows fetched: 3


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