The sqlci session below demonstrates the problem. When we do a multi-column BETWEEN where one of the columns is an INTERVAL key column and the values in the BETWEEN predicate for that column are equal, we get a data conversion error.
>>obey jira.sql;
>>?section setup
>>drop table if exists t1;— SQL operation complete.
>>create table t1 ( a interval second not null,
+> b int,
+> primary key (a) );— SQL operation complete.
>>insert into table t1 values ( interval '41' second, 41 );— 1 row(s) inserted.
>>?section testit
>>select * from t1;A B
---------- -----------41.000000 41
— 1 row(s) selected.
>>select * from t1 where a = interval '41' second;A B
---------- -----------41.000000 41
— 1 row(s) selected.
>>-- fails with a data conversion error
>>select * from t1 where (a,b) between
+> (interval '41' second, 40) and (interval '41' second, 42);
- ERROR[8413] The string argument contains characters that cannot be converted. Source data(in hex): 494e
— 0 row(s) selected.
>>select * from t1 where a = interval '41' second
+> and b between 40 and 42;A B
---------- -----------41.000000 41
— 1 row(s) selected.
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