The following session illustrates the issue. Creating an index on a CHAR(32757) succeeds. Creating an index on a CHAR(32766) fails with a good error message (1141). But creating an index on intermediate sizes fails with a Java exception, pointing to some bug with near-boundary conditions.
>>drop table if exists mytable;--- SQL operation complete.
>>create table mytable (
+>c1 char(32757),
+>c2 char(32758),
+>c3 char(32765),
+>c4 char(32766));--- SQL operation complete.
>>insert into mytable values ('A','A','A','A');--- 1 row(s) inserted.
>>create index idx1 on mytable (c1);--- SQL operation complete.
>>create index idx2 on mytable (c2);*** ERROR[8448] Unable to access Hbase interface. Call to ExpHbaseInterface::addToHFile returned error HBASE_ADD_TO_HFILE_ERROR(-713). Cause: java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
*** ERROR[1081] Loading of index TRAFODION.SCH.IDX2 failed unexpectedly.
--- SQL operation failed with errors.
>>create index idx3 on mytable (c3);
*** ERROR[8448] Unable to access Hbase interface. Call to ExpHbaseInterface::addToHFile returned error HBASE_ADD_TO_HFILE_ERROR(-713). Cause: java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
*** ERROR[1081] Loading of index TRAFODION.SCH.IDX3 failed unexpectedly.
--- SQL operation failed with errors.
>>create index idx4 on mytable (c4);
*** ERROR[1141] Key length 32768 exceeds the maximum allowed key length of 32767.
--- SQL operation failed with errors.
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