The following script reproduces the problem:
?section setup
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t2;
drop table if exists t3;create table t1
id1 varchar(50 bytes) no default not null not droppable not serialized
, yn varchar(1 byte) default null not serialized
attributes aligned format
;create unique index t1pk ON t1
id1 asc
attributes aligned format
;create table t2
id1 varchar(50 bytes) no default not null not droppable not serialized
, id3 varchar(50 bytes) no default not null not droppable not serialized
, id2 varchar(4 bytes) default null not serialized
, c1 varchar(50 bytes) default null not serialized
attributes aligned format
;create unique index t2pk ON t2
id1 asc
, id3 asc
attributes aligned format
;create table t3
id2 varchar(50 bytes) no default not null not droppable not serialized
, nm varchar(100 bytes) no default not null not droppable not serialized
attributes aligned format
;?section s1
– reproduces the error
prepare s1 from
select t1.id1,
decode(t1.yn, 'Y', (select t3.nm
from t3
where t3.id2 = t2.id2),
'N') yn
from t1
left outer join t2
on t2.id1 = t1.id1
where t1.id1 = 'this is a dummy ID string';
When run, the PREPARE fails with an internal error in the generator, 7000. (On debug builds, it fails with a core.)
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