The following sqlci script demonstrates the problem. The "prepare x1" fails with an error 7000 (generator internal error) on release builds, and cores on debug builds.
?section setup
drop schema if exists mytest cascade;
create schema if not exists mytest;
set schema mytest;
Create table D03s
pk int not null not droppable primary key
, val01 int
, val02 int
Create table F01s
pk int not null not droppable primary key
, fk_d01 int not null
, fk_d02 int not null
, fk_d03 int not null
, fk_d04 int not null
, fk_d05 int not null
, fk_d06 int not null
, fk_d07 int not null
, fk_d08 int not null
, fk_d09 int not null
, fk_d10 int not null
, val01 int
, val02 int
, val01_d01 int
, val02_d01 int
, val01_d02 int
, val02_d02 int
, val01_d03 int
, val02_d03 int
) salt using 8 partitions;
insert into D03s
select c1+c2*10+c3*100, c1, c1+c2*10
from (values(1)) T
transpose 0,1 as c1
transpose 0,1 as c2
transpose 0,1 as c3;
insert with no rollback into F01s
select c1+c2*10+c3*100+c4*1000+c5*10000+c6*100000
from (values(1)) T
transpose 0,1 as c1
transpose 0,1 as c2
transpose 0,1 as c3
transpose 0,1 as c4
transpose 0 as c5
transpose 0 as c6
?section testit
set schema mytest;
prepare x1 from
select F01s.val01, TD03.val01
From F01s
full outer join
(select D03s.val01,count(
from D03s
group by D03s.val01) as TD03(val01,pk)
on (
AND>0 );
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