LOAD and UNLOAD involving LOB columns is currently not supported. However they are not disallowed in the compiler. This causes strange errors to be seen at runtime. Sometimes success is reported and no rows are loaded, sometime we get an error saying HFile is not found.
With this change we will raise these compiler errors for LOAD and UNLOAD, when LOB columns are involved. If LOB is treated as a VARCHAR then this change will not apply.
control query default TRAF_BLOB_AS_VARCHAR 'OFF';
control query default TRAF_CLOB_AS_VARCHAR 'OFF';
create table myt1 (c1 blob, c2 clob);
create table myt2 like myt1 ;
insert into myt1 values ('column 1', 'column 2');
load into myt2 select * from myt1 ;
- ERROR[4494] LOAD is not supported on a table with LOB columns. Table TRAFODION.SEABASE.MYT2 has LOB column C1.
- ERROR[8822] The statement was not prepared.
unload into '/bulkload' select * from myt1 ;
- ERROR[4495] UNLOAD is not supported on a SELECT with LOB columns. TRAFODION.SEABASE.MYT1.C2 is a LOB column.