Below are two scripts that reproduce the problems.
In the first problem, a query using parameters does not get an MDAM plan, even though it would be beneficial to do so. If the parameters on column C2 are replaced with literals that are close enough together, we do get the desired MDAM plan.
In the second problem, using a larger version of the same table, a query with equality predicates on the first and third key columns ("first" and "third" ignoring the SALT column) does not get an MDAM plan on the first key column but chooses a full table scan instead.
These problems were noticed on a cluster; it's not practical to create tables of the necessary size on a workstation. The scripts below reproduce the problem on a workstation by faking the Optimizer into thinking it is dealing with much larger tables.
First script:
?section setup
drop table if exists MDAM_Q1_TEST;
create table MDAM_Q1_TEST
( c1 integer not null, – will have uec 2
c2 integer not null, – will have uec 1,000,000
c3 integer not null, – will have uec 766
c4 integer not null, – will have uec 46
c5 integer not null, – will have uec don't care (but 1,000,000)
primary key ( c1, c2, c3, c4 ) )
salt using 4 partitions;
upsert using load into MDAM_Q1_TEST
select mod(c0+c1+c2+c3+c4,2),
c0 + 10*c1 + 100*c2 + 1000*c3 + 10000*c4 + 100000*c5,
c3 + 10*c1 + 74*c5,
c4 + 4*c5,
c5 + 10*c4 + 100*c3 + 1000*c2 + 10000*c1 + 100000*c0
from (values(1)) t
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c0
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c1
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c2
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c3
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c4
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c5;
update statistics for table MDAM_Q1_TEST on every column;
– next fake out the statistics so the optimizer will think there
– are 265 million rows in the table
update sb_histograms set rowcount = 265 * rowcount
where table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q1_TEST');
update sb_histogram_intervals set interval_rowcount = 265 * interval_rowcount
where table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q1_TEST');
showstats for table MDAM_Q1_TEST on existing columns;
?section query1
prepare xx from
select * from MDAM_Q1_TEST
where c1 = ? and c2 > ? and c2 <= ? and c3 = ? and c4 = ?;
explain xx; – the plan gets a full scan instead of MDAM
Second script
?section setup
drop table if exists MDAM_Q2_TEST;
create table MDAM_Q2_TEST
( c1 integer not null, – will have uec 100
c2 integer not null, – will have uec 2,000,000
c3 integer not null, – will have uec 9,100
c4 integer not null, – will have uec 11,800
c5 integer not null, – will have uec don't care
primary key ( c1, c2, c3, c4 ) )
salt using 4 partitions;
upsert using load into MDAM_Q2_TEST
select c3 + 10*c4,
c0 + 10*c1 + 100*c2 + 1000*c3 + 10000*c4 + 100000*c5 + 1000000*c6,
c3 + 10*c1 + 100*c5 + 900*c4,
c4 + 10*c5 + 100*c2 + 600*c1 + 600*c3,
c5 + 10*c4 + 100*c3 + 1000*c2 + 10000*c1 + 100000*c0 + 7*c6
from (values(1)) t
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c0
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c1
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c2
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c3
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c4
transpose 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 as c5
transpose 0,1 as c6;
?section setupstats
update statistics for table MDAM_Q2_TEST on every column;
– next fake out the statistics so the optimizer will think there
– are 11 billion rows in the table
update sb_histograms set rowcount = 5500 * rowcount
where table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST');
update sb_histogram_intervals set interval_rowcount = 5500 * interval_rowcount
where table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST');
– finally fake out the UEC on C2 so optimizer will think
– the UEC is 5 billion instead of 2 million
update sb_histograms set total_uec = 2500 * total_uec
where table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST')
and column_number = 1 and colcount = 1;
update sb_histogram_intervals i set interval_uec = 2500 * interval_uec
where i.table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST')
and i.histogram_id = (select histogram_id from sb_histograms h where h.table_uid = i.table_uid and h.column_number = 1 and h.colcount = 1);
– update the UECs in the multi-column histograms that include C2
update sb_histograms set total_uec = 5000000000 where total_uec = 2000000
and table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST');
update sb_histogram_intervals set interval_uec = 5000000000 where interval_uec = 2000000
and table_uid = (select object_uid from "MD".objects where object_name = 'MDAM_Q2_TEST');
showstats for table MDAM_Q2_TEST on existing columns;
?section query2
prepare xx from
select * from MDAM_Q2_TEST
where c1 = 23 and c3 = 497;
explain xx; – the plan does not get MDAM; but MDAM on C1 would be a good plan
?section query2x
prepare yy from
select * from MDAM_Q2_TEST
where c1 = 23;
explain yy; – here we do get an MDAM plan on C1
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