Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
centos6.7 HBase 1.0.0-cdh5.4.8
This issue is from mantis 72.
-> Create table as following in both oracle and trafodion:
CREATE TABLE t_timestamp_0 (
-> insert data into oracle table
for i in 1 .. 1000
insert into t_timestamp_0 values (i,systimestamp);
end loop;
-> using odb command as below to copy data to trafodion table, it is expected to success, but failed with 8102 error
@dev1 odb_test]$ odb64luo -u jason:trafodion -p jason:traf123 -d OracleODBC-11g:traf -cp src=T_TIMESTAMP_0:tgt=trafodion.ODB_TEST.T_TIMESTAMP_0:rows=m2:truncate:parallel=2:splitby=pid -T 6 -v
Connected to Oracle
odb [2015-10-24 00:19:45]: starting ODBC connection(s)... 0 >1 >2 3 >4 >5
Connected to Trafodion
odb: Now truncating target table (DELETE FROM trafodion.ODB_TEST.T_TIMESTAMP_0)
[4.0.0]--- 0 row(s) deleted in 19.491s (prep 19.442s, exec 0.049s, fetch 0.000s/0.000s)
[3] odb [Ocopy(10206)] - SOURCE statement: SELECT * FROM T_TIMESTAMP_0 WHERE pid >= 500 AND pid < 1001
[0] odb [Ocopy(10206)] - SOURCE statement: SELECT * FROM T_TIMESTAMP_0 WHERE pid >= 1 AND pid < 500
[0] odb [Ocopy(10548)] - TARGET statement: INSERT INTO trafodion.ODB_TEST.T_TIMESTAMP_0 VALUES (?,?)
[3] odb [Ocopy(10548)] - TARGET statement: INSERT INTO trafodion.ODB_TEST.T_TIMESTAMP_0 VALUES (?,?)
[1] odb [Oloadbuff(9437)] - Error loading row 3 (State: 23000, Native -8102)
[Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL ERROR:*** ERROR[8102] The operation is prevented by a unique constraint. [2015-10-24 00:20:21] Row: 3
[1] 0 records copied [commit]
[4] odb [Oloadbuff(9437)] - Error loading row 3 (State: 23000, Native -8102)
[Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL ERROR:*** ERROR[8102] The operation is prevented by a unique constraint. [2015-10-24 00:20:22] Row: 3
[4] odb [Oloadbuff(9464)] - Unable to get row counts from driver
[4] odb(9465) [2015-10-24 00:20:23] - [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Function sequence error (State: HY010 Native Err: 0)
[4] odb(9465) [2015-10-24 00:20:23] - [Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL ERROR:*** ERROR[8102] The operation is prevented by a unique constraint. [2015-10-24 00:20:22] Row: 3 (State: 23000 Native Err: -8102)
[4] 0 records copied [commit]
odb: thread 2 closing connection...
odb: thread 2 is ending...
odb: thread 1 closing connection...
odb: thread 5 closing connection...
odb: thread 5 is ending...
odb: thread 0 closing connection...
odb: thread 0 is ending...
odb: thread 1 is ending...
odb: thread 4 closing connection...
[3] odb version 1.1.0 Copy statistics:
[0] Source: T_TIMESTAMP_0
[0] Target: trafodion.ODB_TEST.T_TIMESTAMP_0
[0] Total number of columns: 2
[0] ODBC row size: 62 B (data) + 16 B (len ind)
[0] Rowset size: 26,886
[0] Rowset buffer size: 2,047.96 KiB
[0] Pre-copy time: 28.434 s (00:00:28.434)
[0] Copy time: 8.812 s (00:00:08.812)
[0] Total records copied: 0 (0.000 krec/s)
[0] Copy throughput (ODBC): 0.000 MiB/s (0.000 GiB/h)
[0] Total/Wait cycles: 1/0
[0>1] 0 records copied in 9.297 (00:00:09.297 s)
[0>2] 0 records copied in 9.257 (00:00:09.257 s)
[3] Total/Wait cycles: 1/0
[3>4] 0 records copied in 8.811 (00:00:08.811 s)
[3>5] 0 records copied in 8.769 (00:00:08.769 s)
odb: thread 4 is ending...
odb: thread 3 closing connection...
odb: thread 3 is ending...
odb [2015-10-24 00:20:23]: exiting. Session Elapsed time 37.287 seconds (00:00:37.287)
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