Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
The TLD docs for the "t:panelTabbedPane" have these definitions for two of the style class overrides:
activeTabStyleClass Style class of the active tab cell
inactiveTabStyleClass Style class of the inactive tab cells
This implies to the reader that I can say something like:
<t:panelTabbedPane ... activeTabStyleClass="menu-sel" inactiveTabStyleClass="menu" .../>
and expect my custom style classes to take effect. However, that is not what actually happens, because the component still emits the default Tomahawk style class first (myFaces_panelTabbedPane_activeHeaderCell or myFaces_panelTabbedPane_inactiveHeaderCell). That means my styles get ignored unless I create a cascade in my stylesheet definitions, or I use the "!important" modifier on EVERY SINGLE ENTRY. That is very poor usability – it would be much better to replace the default style class when the user specifies one, so they don't have to go through all the pain of figuring out why their styles seem to be ignored.