On the well known software graph:
gremlin> g.V().match( ......1>'a').out('knows').as('b'), ......2>'b').out('created').as('c')) ==>[a:v[1],b:v[4],c:v[5]] ==>[a:v[1],b:v[4],c:v[3]] gremlin> g.V().match( ......1>'b').out('created').as('c'), ......2>'a').out('knows').as('b')) The provided match pattern is unsolvable: [[MatchStartStep(a), VertexStep(OUT,[knows],vertex), MatchEndStep(b)], [MatchStartStep(b), VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex), MatchEndStep(c)]]
with the second one being solvable as well (I think).
Quoting dkuppitz:
"I just noticed that the error message of my failing traversal actually contains a solvable form of patterns. It's really confusing; if you want, create a Jira ticket for that issue, perhaps someone dares to analyze that crazy code"
please see this for more information.
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