I am working to update the NetCDFParser file. When using the most-recent .jar file available from at the command line I receive a note about a depreciated API:
javac -classpath ../../../../tika-core/target/tika-core-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:../../../../toolsUI-4.3.jar org/apache/tika/parser/netcdf/
Note: org/apache/tika/parser/netcdf/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
After updating the NetCDFParser file with non-deprecated methods (e.x. changing "dimension.getName()" to "dimension.getFullName()") however, I get failed unit tests in maven, which I assume is because the Maven Central Repo has the lapsed version of the .jar file needed for NetCDF files ( .
Can anyone provide insight into how I get the updated .jar file into the Maven Central Repository? Is there an alternative method to update Tika so I can run my unit tests in Maven?