Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Patch Available
Current Setup.lhs file has weird commenting that barfs on my machine (Haskell does not use # as a comment marker). Also, after much recent mungling from me the .cabal file is out of date.
This patch fixes both issues, making it easy to test the haskell bindings compilability state:
{noquote}cabal update
cabal install network binary http
cd $THRIFT/lib/hs/src
runhaskell Setup.lhs configure --user # --user is optional, but you'll need root-like powers without it
runhaskell Setup.lhs build
runhaskell Setup.lhs install # optional, really{noquote}
Also, with the recent commit of the improved type bindings, it's worth bumping the thrift cabal package's version number – that change was major API breakage.
(Please note this does NOT integrate with autotools in any useful way, but is a prerequisite for THRIFT-905 to be useful)