New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Patch Available
The patch
- Generates Arbitrary instances for Thrift structs, enums and exceptions
- Provides Arbitrary instances for GHC's Int64, Data.Map.Map and Data.Set.Set
- Makes Thrift enums instances of Bounded and improves the Enum instance declaration
Making a type an instance of Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary specifies how to generate random instances of the struct. This is useful for testing.
For example, consider the following simple Thrift declaration:
typedef i32 UnixTimeStamp
struct LogEntry {
1: LogLevel level,
2: UnixTimeStamp timestamp,
3: string message
service Logger {
void log(1: LogEntry entry)
With the patch, the following program (import statements elided) is a fuzzer for the log service.
-- ripped from Test.QuickCheck.Gen.sample' infexamples ∷ Gen a → IO [a] infexamples (MkGen m) = do rnd ← newStdGen let rnds rnd = rnd1 : rnds rnd2 where (rnd1, rnd2) = split rnd return [(m r n) | (r, n) ← rnds rnd `zip` [0,2..] ] infentries = infexamples (arbitrary ∷ Gen LogEntry) main = do entries ← infentries forM entries logAnEntry logAnEntry entry = do transport ← hOpen ("localhost", PortNumber 9090) let binProto = BinaryProtocol transport let client = (binProto, binProto) (Client.log client) entry tClose transport `Control.Exception.catch` (λ(TransportExn s t) → print s) --On systems with Haskell we could just generate a fuzzer like this one.
In implementing the Arbitrary instances, it was useful to make Thrift enums instances of Bounded and to improve the Enum instance. Specifically, whereas before,
[DEBUG .. ]
would throw an exception, now it behaves as expected without an exception.
I consider the patch incomplete. It's more of a starting point for a discussion at this point than a serious candidate for inclusion. If it is of interest, I'd appreciate some direction on testing it as well as style, and I'd welcome any other comments or thoughts.
Issue Links
- is part of
THRIFT-2641 Improvements to Haskell Compiler/Libraries
- Closed
- is superceded by
THRIFT-2641 Improvements to Haskell Compiler/Libraries
- Closed