Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
After making changes to support json protocol for the php client in make cross I found that it fails:
$ /usr/bin/python test/ -s --server cpp,,,,,,,,php,, --client ,,,,,,,,php,, Apache Thrift - Integration Test Suite Mon Jun 29 17:24:49 2015 ====================================================================== server-client: protocol: transport: result: cpp-php binary buffered-ip success(0) cpp-php compact buffered-ip success(0) cpp-php compact framed-ip success(0) cpp-php json framed-ip failure(255) cpp-php json buffered-ip failure(255) ====================================================================== *** Following 2 failures were unexpected ***: If it is introduced by you, please fix it before submitting the code. ====================================================================== server-client: protocol: transport: result: cpp-php json framed-ip failure(255) cpp-php json buffered-ip failure(255) ====================================================================== Unexpected failures are logged to test/log/unexpected_failures.log
In the php client log it says:
Mon Jun 29 17:24:51 2015 Executing: php TestClient.php --protocol=json --transport=buffered --port=53492 Directory: /home/jking/thrift/test/php config:delay: 2 config:timeout: 6 ====================================================================== testVoid() = void testString("Test") = "Test" testByte(1) = 1 testI32(-1) = -1 testI64(-34359738368) = -34359738368 testDouble(-852.234234234) = -852.234234234 testStruct({"Zero", 1, -3, -5}) = {"Zero", 1, -3, -5} testNest({1, {"Zero", 1, -3, -5}), 5} = {1, {"Zero", 1, -3, -5}, 5} testMap({0 => -10, 1 => -9, 2 => -8, 3 => -7, 4 => -6}) = {0 => -10, 1 => -9, 2 => -8, 3 => -7, 4 => -6} testSet({-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}) = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1} testList({-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}) = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} testEnum(ONE) = 1 testEnum(TWO) = 2 testEnum(THREE) = 3 testEnum(FIVE) = 5 testEnum(EIGHT) = 8 testTypedef(309858235082523) = 309858235082523 testMapMap(1) = {-4 => {-4 => -4, -3 => -3, -2 => -2, -1 => -1, }, 4 => {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, }, } testInsanity() = {1 => {2 => {{5 => 5, 8 => 8, }, {{"Goodbye4", 4, 4, 4}, {"Hello2", 2, 2, 2}, }}, 3 => {{5 => 5, 8 => 8, }, {{"Goodbye4", 4, 4, 4}, {"Hello2", 2, 2, 2}, }}, }, 2 => {6 => {{}, {}}, }, } testException('Xception') caught xception 1001: Xception Total time: 228 ms PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Thrift\Exception\TTransportException' with message 'TSocket read 0 bytes' in /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Transport/TSocket.php:278 Stack trace: #0 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Transport/TTransport.php(75): Thrift\Transport\TSocket->read(1) #1 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Transport/TBufferedTransport.php(118): Thrift\Transport\TTransport->readAll(1) #2 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Protocol/JSON/LookaheadReader.php(41): Thrift\Transport\TBufferedTransport->readAll(1) #3 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Protocol/TJSONProtocol.php(193): Thrift\Protocol\JSON\LookaheadReader->read() #4 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Protocol/TJSONProtocol.php(466): Thrift\Protocol\TJSONProtocol->readJSONSyntaxChar('[') #5 /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Protocol/TJSONProtocol.php(622): Thrift\Protocol\TJSONProtocol->readJSONArrayStart() #6 /home/jking/thrift/test/php/gen-php/ThriftTest/ThriftTest.php(483): Thrift\Protocol\TJSONProtocol->readMessageBegin(NULL in /home/jking/thrift/lib/php/lib/Thrift/Transport/TSocket.php on line 278 ====================================================================== Return code: 255 Test execution took 0.4 seconds.
Issue Links
- is blocked by
THRIFT-3211 Add make cross support for php TCompactProtocol
- Closed