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  1. Thrift
  2. THRIFT-2771

Dangling references / Leak when using hbase->mutateRows?



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 0.9
    • None
    • PHP - Library
    • None


      When setting up our Hbase-Client like ...

          $socket = new TSocket( OI_HBASE_HOST, OI_HBASE_PORT );
          $socket->setSendTimeout( 30000 ); // Ten seconds (too long for production, but this is just a demo ;)
          $socket->setRecvTimeout( 60000 ); // Twenty seconds
          $this->transport = new TBufferedTransport( $socket );
          $protocol = new TBinaryProtocolAccelerated( $this->transport );
          $this->hbase = new HbaseClient( $protocol );

      ... and then using ...

          $this->hbase->mutateRows("user_crm", $batchMutations, null);

      ... multiple times on a longer running task, it seems that a memory leak of some sort is hit.

      I tracked the memory-usage-growth to that call; before and after the call, measured with memory_get_usage(true) or memory_get_usage(false), the memory usage is identical, but when re-entering the paths multiple times, the total usage increases and increases.

      I tried to explitly unset all variables, also within the function mutateRows, and invoked garbage collection explicitly with gc_collect_cycles();. I also tried lowering the maximum allowed memory for PHP to see if this will invoke the GC better, but then ran into "out of memory"-errors.

      Within Thrift/packages/Hbase/Hbase.php::send_mutateRows, thrift_protocol_write_binary is called as intended.

      I also checked https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-1067, but we use version 0.9.0, where the patch is documented to be applied already.

      The only clues I have at the moment:

      • Before and after the call to mutateRows, memory usage is identical
      • When I remove the call, there is no "leak", which hints (but surely doesn't prove) that our side is clean.
      • Those clues combined with my own instinct, it looks like there's maybe a reference on the implementatory C-side that is dangling or held too long and can't be freed by the GC.
      # thrift --version
      Thrift version 0.9.0




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            smach Sebastian Mach
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