Hi Henrique,
Thanks for the commit!
In regards to keeping Node.js source out of the lib/js/test directory, I think I disagree. Presently the JS Java test server is housed there lib/js/test/src/test/Httpd.java). Its role is not to support Java but to support JavaScript, so the location makes some sense. That said I would rather see this Java server moved to the integration test suit because it is really a cross language test not a JavaScript test.
In the context of Apache Thrift, Browser based JavaScript is half a language, because you can only build clients a server language is needed. If the choice is between Java and Node.js, I think we get many benefits by using Node.js. Node.js is the defacto server side JavaScript language, uses much of the same Apache Thrift compiler code and has many library commonalities. Almost all of the build and project management tools for front end JS are also written in Node.js so it will likely already be in place for browser devs.
With the server_http.js and test_handler.js in lib/js/test you can go to the lib/js directory, type "npm install" and then "grunt" and the system will lint, concat, min, gen docs and test the JS source using phantom against the Node.js server_http.js. I think this will be straight forward for JS developers, unlike building a Java server. Grunt is the natural counter part to ant/maven/make used elsewhere in the thrift build. At some point I think make should simply drive grunt in the lib/js tree much as it does with ant in lib/java. With the new compiler-only switch I can clone the master, make just the compiler and grunt lib/js and I am ready to work with JavaScript.
Another thought is that the server_http.js may grow to be more front end test focused over time (Web Sockets, etc), making it less of a fit on the node test side. Also if we include the server_http.js and test_handler.js in lib/js/test and we point Bower at the lib/js path (as Roger suggested) rather than lib/js/src or lib/js/dist, all you need to do to pull a full JS environment into your project is "bower install thrift". You can then "npm install" and "grunt" to build the project (if you have a thrift compiler) with a complete running client/server test, which is very handy as a tutorial. These files are all small.
I would also say that leaving server_http.js in lib/nodejs/test is fine but if so we need to create a nodejs client to actually test with it. It has no real purpose in the nodejs tree right now and is not wired into testAll.sh or any other test.
If there is support for creating the described Node JavaScript server in the JavaScript lib/js/test dir, I can add a patch that creates (or moves) lib/js/test/server_http.js and lib/js/test/test_handler.js. If not I need to add a patch to fix the grunt build, it is broken now because of the lib/js/test/server_http.js dependency.
Interested to hear other views!
Better documentation for the library readme and the website is still necessary but a separate ticket can be used for that.