Have run into an issue where TimelineClient has posted entities in the timeline event posted. The related entry is not found (i believe because I didn't have generic history turned on) and Yarn timeline server assumes the missing event belongs to the default domain. Regular users don't have permissions to the default domain and so the update to the related entity fails. The posting of the event succeeds, just that the cross-link related entity is not updated. However in the log I see the warning which is going to scare users
2015-02-24 20:01:24,526 WARN [HistoryEventHandlingThread] ats.ATSHistoryLoggingService: Could not post history event to ATS, atsPutError=6, entityId=tez_application_1423769157162_273679, eventType=APP_LAUNCHED 2015-02-24 20:01:24,526 WARN [HistoryEventHandlingThread] ats.ATSHistoryLoggingService: Could not post history event to ATS, atsPutError=6, entityId=tez_appattempt_1423769157162_273679_000001, eventType=AM_LAUNCHED