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  1. Apache Tez
  2. TEZ-2103

Implement a Partial completion VertexManagerPlugin

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    • New Feature
    • Status: Patch Available
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Currently, there is no sibling communication between tasks - this implies that a task can be completed by the first vertex in a wave of tasks, but the entire wave of tasks has to complete before success can be reported.

      This occurs in limit + filter query patterns common between the data access engines.

      select * from data where x > 1 limit 10;

      will run through a full-table scan worth of tasks to generate 10 rows per task, to aggregate it to produce the final 10 row result.

      The VertexManager receives counters/events early enough to short-circuit the rest of the vertex tasks, to prevent the remainder of tasks from getting scheduled when the limit condition has been satisfied by an initial sub-set of the tasks.

      This is a specialization of the VertexManagerPlugin for this common case scheduling pattern.


        1. TEZ-2103.WIP.patch
          6 kB
          Syed Shameerur Rahman
        2. TEZ-2103.03.patch
          7 kB
          Syed Shameerur Rahman
        3. TEZ-2103.02.patch
          7 kB
          Syed Shameerur Rahman
        4. TEZ-2103.01.patch
          6 kB
          Syed Shameerur Rahman


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            srahman Syed Shameerur Rahman
            gopalv Gopal Vijayaraghavan




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