Status: Done
Resolution: Done
parent 2
Taverna Maven Parent includes a checkstyle.xml for the maven-checkstyle-plugin - which is configured as part of the Maven Site for Taverna Server.
However as checkstyle.xml is just in the root of the git repository, and taverna-maven-parent is of type pom, the file is not available in other projects and would have to be manually copied. Also the current config
will be wrong (not just because of the spurious R) as ${basedir} is local to each module when building the site.
The suggestion is to create a multimodule configuration as recommended by the plugin:
So I'm making taverna-shared-resources/src/main/resources/taverna-shared-resources/checkstyle.xml and updating the checkstyle file slightly.
BTW, here's the example of a more complete checkstyle file we in theory could use instead from the dependency maven-shared-resources - but I think it would raise too many warnings for our varied codebase.
(BTW - my suggestion is not to enable checkstyle enforcement at this point, just to make the config work again so the report can be generated)