problem description:
step 1: let there be an "Authenticator" service which uses the current request (for credentials lookup)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
<service-point id="Authenticator">
<invoke-factory model="threaded">
<construct class="AuthenticatorImpl">
<set-service property="request" service-id="tapestry.globals.WebRequest" />
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public class AuthenticatorImpl implements Authenticator
private WebRequest request; // injected
// setters + other stuff omitted
public boolean isAuthenticated()
{ if(request.getSession(false) == null) return false; // more stuff comes here... } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------
step 2: now inject the authenticator into a request filter
// ----------------------------------------------------------
<service-point id="AuthenticationFilter" interface="">
<construct class="AuthenticationFilter">
<set-service property="authenticator" service-id="Authenticator" />
<contribution configuration-id="tapestry.request.WebRequestServicerPipeline">
<filter name="auth" object="service:AuthenticationFilter" />
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public class AuthenticationFilter implements WebRequestServicerFilter
private Authenticator authenticator; // injected
// setters + other stuff omitted
public void service(WebRequest request, WebResponse response, WebRequestServicer servicer) throws IOException
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Property 'webRequest' of <OuterProxy for tapestry.globals.RequestGlobals(> is null.
this should not happen as the request is available at this time (it's a parameter of the service method)
however, I do not want to handle the request to the authenticator as it's used not only in the filter
but also in the login page.
I think this is a general problem with filters being called before tapestry.globals is fully initialized