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  1. Tapestry
  2. TAPESTRY-436

Form Table not being updated properly



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • 4.0
    • 4.1
    • Framework
    • None


      I have created and attached an example where a page that has a Form Table gets updated properly in 3.x, but does not in 4.0. I have basic table that has two editable columns (Checbox and TextField). When I edit values and click a submit button, the origial values are displayed in 4.0, but returns the updated values in 3.x. What seems to be happening is under 4.0, when calling the set methods (after entering new values into the columns in the table) in the bean for the rows in the table it is referencing the bean at a different memory location from when I initiially created the instances of the bean. This behaivor does not exist in the 3.x version.

      I have checked, double checked, and triple checked my code. I have made sure about the following:
      1. No instances of the bean class are being created by me other than the initial population. I have logging statements in my construtor of my bean class to make sure of this.
      2. I have properly implemented the IPrimaryKeyConvertor interface.

      This issue is near and dear to my heart, I have spent alot of time and energy trying to isolate this problem. If there is any information that you would need, please feel free to contact me. Like I said above, I have attached the same code that I have run against 3.0 and 4.0.


        1. ttest.zip
          13 kB
          Scott Walter



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            sfwalter Scott Walter
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