steps (run Syncope with -Pdev profile):
1. modify resource-csv mapping external attribute mail with virtual attribute virtualdata (assign BOTH
purpose to the attribute, it may also work with SYNCHRONIZATION).
2. create a new user with all required (for csv) fields set to value (username, surname, mail, type, ecc), in
particular add derived attributes csvuserid and cn and virtual attribute virtualdata
3. add to user resource-csv as resource, save and open it in edit mode.
4. add new resource to user, ws-target-resource-2, edit virtual attribute virtualdata.
5. edit password and check the checkbox to change password also on Syncope (don't check all resouces, csv must not be checked), checkbox for ws-target-resource-2 is already set. Save user
It will be noticed a double propagation of user on both resources due to method fillVirtual() in