Removing or adding of user as a userOwner or group as a groupOwner to group doesn't trigger propagation action for this group. The group is assigned to a particular resource.
An example of HTTP call is (userOwner assignement):
POST http://${syncopeHost}/syncope/rest/groups/${groupKey}
{ "@class": "", "key": "6d1d2db6-35ff-4d99-9d2d-b635ff4d99c7", "type": "GROUP", "realm": "/myOU", "name": "mypti_imp_user", "creator": "admin", "creationDate": "2021-04-27T10:11:28.463+0000", "lastModifier": "admin", "lastChangeDate": "2021-05-17T15:38:02.213+0000", "status": null, "userOwner": "95e1e259-0a15-41ed-a1e2-590a1521ed74", "groupOwner": null, "udynMembershipCond": null, "staticUserMembershipCount": 3, "dynamicUserMembershipCount": 0, "staticAnyObjectMembershipCount": 0, "dynamicAnyObjectMembershipCount": 0, "adynMembershipConds": { }, "dynRealms": [ ], "auxClasses": [ ], "plainAttrs": [ ], "derAttrs": [ ], "virAttrs": [ ], "resources": [ "f5d7756e-4d9d-4590-a4a9-dcd1c4a8a60d" ], "typeExtensions": [ ] }
Example of assigning of group as a group owner:
POST http://${syncopeHost}/syncope/rest/groups/${groupKey}
{ "@class": "", "key": "6d1d2db6-35ff-4d99-9d2d-b635ff4d99c7", "type": "GROUP", "realm": "/myOU", "name": "mypti_imp_user", "creator": "admin", "creationDate": "2021-04-27T10:11:28.463+0000", "lastModifier": "admin", "lastChangeDate": "2021-05-18T13:01:38.428+0000", "status": null, "userOwner": "", "groupOwner": "30849a12-bbca-40f7-849a-12bbca30f777", "udynMembershipCond": null, "staticUserMembershipCount": 3, "dynamicUserMembershipCount": 0, "staticAnyObjectMembershipCount": 0, "dynamicAnyObjectMembershipCount": 0, "adynMembershipConds": { }, "dynRealms": [ ], "auxClasses": [ ], "plainAttrs": [ ], "derAttrs": [ ], "virAttrs": [ ], "resources": [ "f5d7756e-4d9d-4590-a4a9-dcd1c4a8a60d" ], "typeExtensions": [ ] }
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