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  1. Subversion
  2. SVN-547

wc corruption issue? Seen by gstein w/ deleting a file.



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • all
    • 0.14.0
    • src
    • None


      No reliable reproduction recipe yet.  Here is what
      Greg Stein posted:
      ----------------------- cut here ------------------------
      From: Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org>
      Subject:  Re: svn commit: rev 389 - trunk/subversion/bindings
      To: dev@subversion.tigris.org
      Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 05:09:24 -0800
      Oh... and my WC got corrupted with this. I had to move the bindings/
      directory out of the way and "svn up" to get back a proper WC. Something in
      the atomicity isn't working right...
      On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 08:11:47PM -0800, Greg Stein wrote:
      > On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 09:51:44PM -0600, gstein@tigris.org wrote:
      > > Author: gstein
      > > Date: 2001-11-03 03:51 GMT
      > > New Revision: 389
      > > 
      > > Removed:
      > >    trunk/subversion/bindings/svn_error.i
      > >    trunk/subversion/bindings/svn_io.i
      > > Log:
      > > These should have been deleted in the last commit. Had some kind of failure...
      > This is really weird, and I'd need to develop a test case for it. Basically,
      > what happened was:
      > $ svn rm svn_error.i
      > $ svn rm svn_io.i
      > (edit some files)
      > $ svn add <a couple files>
      > $ svn commit -m ...
      > At this point, it came back with:
      > [gstein@roshi bindings]$ svn commit -m "Continuation of the SWIG bindings
      > development."
      > Deleting        /home/gstein/src/svn/subversion/bindings/svn_io.i
      > Deleting        /home/gstein/src/svn/subversion/bindings/svn_error.i
      > svn_error: #21074 : <RA layer's server request failed>
      >   commit failed: wc locks have been removed.
      > svn_error: #21074 : <RA layer's server request failed>
      >   commit failed: while sending tree-delta.
      > svn_error: #21074 : <RA layer's server request failed>
      >   The CHECKOUT request failed (http #409)
      > [gstein@roshi bindings]$
      > Looking at the access_log, it would appear that we did a DELETE of
      > svn_error.i, followed by an attempt to do a CHECKOUT. That would tend to
      > imply that we were checking out svn_error.i to make *changes*. I *did* edit
      > the svn_error.i file, but then deleted the bugger.
      > A possible reproduction recipe to try is to edit a file, delete it, then
      > attempt to commit.
      > [ not going to now; going home ]
      > Cheers,
      > -g
      > -- 
      > Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/




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