I build a (230) svn client on windows (MSVC). Because I don't have all db3 lib/include files I wanted to build a client that can only access remote repositories (note that the dsps are not up to date atm - need to add 'copy' client sources in several workspaces). Unfortunately, the client fails to be able to diff: apr_error: #22623, src_err 0 : <The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. run_cmd_in_directory: error starting c:\progra~1\cygnus\cygwin\bin\diff.exe process I experimented with CreateProcessW in threadproc\win32\proc.c (called from apr_proc_create and if I pass NULL as first parameter - instead of wprg - I get a diff of one file and a stack error after that first file). Can't find anything else.
Original issue reported by japj