svnadmin create repo svn -mm import repo/format file://`pwd`/repo/f svn co file://`pwd`/repo wc rm wc/f svn mv --force wc/f wc/g touch wc/g svn st wc The move reports: $ svn mv --force wc/f wc/g A wc/g svn: E000002: Can't move '/home/pm/sw/subversion/obj/wc/f' to '/home/pm/sw/subversion/obj/wc/g': No such file or directory The status SEGVs because NODES.moved_to is not set: $ sqlite3 wc/.svn/wc.db "select op_depth, local_relpath, moved_to, moved_here from nodes" 0|f|| 0||| 1|g||1