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  1. Subversion
  2. SVN-3642

immediate depth merges don't create proper subtree mergeinfo




      The changes made to 1.7 to stop updating subtree mergeinfo when a given subtree
      was unaffected by the merge (ss
      http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2009-08/0045.shtml and
      http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=878767) have an unintended
      side-effect: When doing merges at operational depth=immediates, the mergeinfo
      recorded to describe the merge is incorrect.
      For example, say we have this simple repos:
        trunk@947072>svn log -v -r1:HEAD ^^/
        r1 | jrandom | 2010-05-21 15:26:18 -0400 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 1 line
        Changed paths:
           A /A
           A /A/B
           A /A/B/E
           A /A/B/E/alpha
           A /A/B/E/beta
           A /A/B/F
           A /A/B/lambda
           A /A/C
           A /A/D
           A /A/D/G
           A /A/D/G/pi
           A /A/D/G/rho
           A /A/D/G/tau
           A /A/D/H
           A /A/D/H/chi
           A /A/D/H/omega
           A /A/D/H/psi
           A /A/D/gamma
           A /A/mu
           A /iota
        Log message for revision 1.
        r2 | jrandom | 2010-05-21 15:26:20 -0400 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 1 line
        Changed paths:
           A /A_COPY (from /A:1)
        log msg
        r3 | jrandom | 2010-05-21 15:26:21 -0400 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 1 line
        Changed paths:
           A /A/B/E/newfile
           M /A/B/lambda
        log msg
      Our WC is the entire repos@3 at depth=infinity (i.e. nothing is missing):
        trunk@947072>svn st -v
                         3        3 jrandom      .
                         3        3 jrandom      A
                         3        1 jrandom      A\mu
                         3        3 jrandom      A\B
                         3        3 jrandom      A\B\lambda
                         3        3 jrandom      A\B\E
                         3        1 jrandom      A\B\E\alpha
                         3        3 jrandom      A\B\E\newfile
                         3        1 jrandom      A\B\E\beta
                         3        1 jrandom      A\B\F
                         3        1 jrandom      A\C
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\gamma
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\G
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\G\rho
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\G\pi
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\G\tau
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\H
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\H\chi
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\H\omega
                         3        1 jrandom      A\D\H\psi
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\mu
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B\lambda
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B\E
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B\E\alpha
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B\E\beta
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\B\F
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\C
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\gamma
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\G
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\G\rho
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\G\pi
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\G\tau
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\H
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\H\chi
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\H\omega
                         3        2 jrandom      A_COPY\D\H\psi
                         3        1 jrandom      iota
      There is no explicit mergeinfo:
        trunk@947072>svn pg svn:mergeinfo -vR
      Now we merge r3 from A to A_COPY at operational depth immediates:
        trunk@947072>svn merge ^^/A/B A_COPY/B -c3 --depth immediates
        --- Merging r3 into 'A_COPY\B':
        U    A_COPY\B\lambda
        --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r3 into 'A_COPY\B':
         U   A_COPY\B
      That looks about right, we only expect immediate children of the merge target to
      be affected, and that is what we get:
        trunk@947072>svn st
         M      A_COPY\B
        M       A_COPY\B\lambda
      But, the mergeinfo recorded makes it appear that r3 was fully merged into A_COPY:
        trunk@947072>svn pg svn:mergeinfo -vR
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B':
      Obviously this isn't the case, because A_COPY/B/E/newfile was not added.  This
      mergeinfo prevents a repeat merge-tracking aware merge from ever being able to
      get the rest of r3 merged into A_COPY: 
        trunk@947072>svn merge ^^/A/B A_COPY/B -c3 --depth infinity
        --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r3 into 'A_COPY\B':
         G   A_COPY\B
      Prior to r878767 the merge would have recorded non-inheritable mergeinfo on all
      of the merge target's immediate directory children:
        pre-r878767-client>svn pg svn:mergeinfo -vR
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B\E':
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B\F':
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B':
      This is certainly accurate, because now it is clear that r3 hasn't been merged
      under A_COPY/B/[E|F].  But the fact that we set mergeinfo on A_COPY/B/F, which
      is unaffected by r3, doesn't fit with the post-r878767 behavior of not updating
      subtree mergeinfo unaffected by the merge.
      What is happening on trunk is that the subtree-mergeinfo logic sees that
      A_COPY/B/E and A_COPY/B/F were unaffected by the merge, so it doesn't set any
      mergeinfo on them.  If A_COPY/B/E and A_COPY/B/F had explicit mergeinfo prior to
      the merge, then this wouldn't be a problem, since that mergeinfo would override
      the mergeinfo set on A_COPY/B.
      Ideally we would have this mergeinfo after the merge (Nothing on A_COPY/B/F, it
      could safely inherit r3 from A_COPY\B since that rev is inoperative on F):
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B':
        Properties on 'A_COPY\B\E':




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