It is possible to add a broken symlink, but it is not then possible to copy the broken symlink. If it is committed, then it becomes possible to copy the broken symlink: ket% svnadmin create test ket% svn co file:///home/jablko/test work Checked out revision 0. ket% cd work ket% ln -s bogus test ket% svn add test A test ket% svn cp test copy svn: Can't open file 'test': No such file or directory ket% I encountered this issue in real life when trying to create a vendor branch of the symfony project, which contains a broken symlink: ket% svn cp symfony/vendor hoster/lib/vendor/symfony [...] svn: Can't open file 'symfony/vendor/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/test/functional/fixtures/lib/symfony': No such file or directory ket% I worked around this issue by first committing the vendor branch, then copying it into our project for custom modifications.
Original issue reported by jablko