Spun off from issue #2827
Mergeinfo for a target with missing children is not handled correctly when the
merge attempts to delete the missing children (or adds children in a way that
conflicts with the target's depth, e.g. tries to add a dir, when the wc --depth
is 'files').
To see an example of this problem, apply the attached merge_test.py patch and
run merge_tests.py:65:"merge_to_sparse_directories" without --cleanup.
For this example we'll look at the WC checked out at --depth files.
>svn st -v merge_tests-1.files
9 2 jrandom merge_tests-1.files
9 1 jrandom merge_tests-1.files\mu
>svn pl -vR merge_tests-1.files
Properties on 'merge_tests-1.files':
svn:mergeinfo : /A:1
# Now we merge -r6:10 into the sparse WC.
# fyi:
# r7 - text change to %URL%/A/mu
# r8 - Prop add to %URL%/A/D
# r9 - Prop add to %URL%/A.
# r10 - Delete %URL%/A/C and add %URL%/A/I.
# r7 and r9 are applied to the WC, but since r8 and r10 effect paths that
# are not present due to the depth of the WC neither of those changes take
# place.
>svn merge %URL%/A merge_tests-1.files -r6:10
--- Merging r7 through r10:
U merge_tests-1.files\mu
--- Merging r7 through r10:
U merge_tests-1.files
# The target of the merge gets non-inheritable mergeinfo and the one
# child present, file 'mu', gets inheritable mergeinfo. This is
# correct to the extent that no missing children of the target should
# inherit this new mergeinfo...
>svn pl -vR merge_tests-1.files
Properties on 'merge_tests-1.files':
prop:name : propval
svn:mergeinfo : /A:1,7-10*
Properties on 'merge_tests-1.files\mu':
svn:mergeinfo : /A/mu:1,7-10
# ...the problem arises if we bring the missing child we tried to delete
# back and also permit the child we tried to add to actually be added,
# a.k.a updating the WC to depth infinity:
>svn up merge_tests-1.files --depth infinity
A merge_tests-1.files\B
A merge_tests-1.files\B\lambda
A merge_tests-1.files\B\E
A merge_tests-1.files\B\E\alpha
A merge_tests-1.files\B\E\beta
A merge_tests-1.files\B\F
A merge_tests-1.files\C
A merge_tests-1.files\D
A merge_tests-1.files\D\gamma
A merge_tests-1.files\D\G
A merge_tests-1.files\D\G\pi
A merge_tests-1.files\D\G\rho
A merge_tests-1.files\D\G\tau
A merge_tests-1.files\D\H
A merge_tests-1.files\D\H\chi
A merge_tests-1.files\D\H\omega
A merge_tests-1.files\D\H\psi
Updated to revision 10.
# The problem is that the mergeinfo on the WC root prevents repeat merges
# from touching the root. Changes deeper in the WC, like r8's prop add to
# 'D' are allowed, but r10's add/delete of the root's children are prevented
# by our 'avoid repeat merge' logic.
>svn merge %URL%/A merge_tests-1.files -r6:10
--- Merging r7 through r10:
--- Merging r7 through r10:
U merge_tests-1.files\D
Within our current merge-tracking solution, I don't see any obvious solution.
Of course this seems like a bit of an edge case...but one man's edge case is
another man's SOP.