% svn mkdir https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/
svn: MKCOL of '/repos/asf/!svn/wrk/d60789ed-26f6-0310-bcf6-5792b5ac7a75/myfaces': 405
Method Not Allowed (https://svn.apache.org)
This is the error message returned when a 'mkdir' is run on a directory already exists over WebDAV.
This is a rather unintuitive error message.
Perhaps a 409 code (Conflict) could be more intuitive than a 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Also note that we could stick with 405 but fill up r->status_line with 'Directory already exists' rather
than leaving it to be the 'default' status line.
This issue could also be combined with the 'bad error messages' issue; but I can't seem to find it.